Optimism is a mindset that interprets unwanted events or circumstances in a way that allows you to keep moving forward. Optimists see unwanted circumstances as temporary and limited in effects, and whenever setbacks do occur, expect to find a way to remedy the situation. They are well equipped to turn things around when necessary. Optimists believe they create good circumstances that will last a long time. Willing Change
As you think - so you behave. There is no getting around it. When you think predominantly in ways that promote wellness, life is more enjoyable.
You have the ability to think and believe however you please. Make the effort to purposely think optimistic thoughts of improvement, appreciation and contentment. With this outlook you are in a better position to move forward in your chosen direction—when you are clear about what you want.
Willing Change wellness courses and insights are here to help you to train your mind for wellness—at home and at work, with your family and friends and in your personal life. Invest in yourself by changing your mind to guide your behaviours and see new and better results.
Training your mind is simple. Just keep repeating a thought with feeling often enough that it becomes a belief. You can believe whatever you want so why not make the effort to affirm thoughts that help you to accomplish more with less effort, feel optimistic, and ready to grow?
Accomplish More with Less Effort - eBooklet
Setting purposeful goals to achieve your goals and having an intention to pursue them to completion, is the beginning point from which to use your time and energy to the best advantage.
Know What Your Really Want
Set Purposeful Goals
Set Your Intentions and Create Plans
Evaluate Your Progress and Adjust
Focus and Persist
A Week of Challenges
The mindset of "everything is getting better" provides an optimistic mood and lets you keep going in your chosen direction. By using the words better and improving often you prime your mind to look for and take actions of improvement.
A Week of Challenges
Bring the idea of abundance to the forefront of your daily thoughts and instill abundance beliefs into your subconscious mind. Beliefs of "many opportunities" "having much" and gaining greater awareness affect your self-concept and motivation.
The intention of the daily challenges is to explore and apply the idea of abundance in many areas of your life.